Dec 21, 2019
Author Boyd Craven makes a return appearance to the show to talk about his Still Surviving series, as well as a few of his other projects. Then, in the Three Minute Survival Tip, we talk about why cotton...
Dec 13, 2019
This week, we're talking about a real blast from the past -- Cyborg! This flick was one of Jean-Claude van Damme's early starring roles and is chock full of cheesy goodness. From there, we move over to the Three Minute Survival Tip, where we're discussing how to determine how much money you should spend on your...
Dec 6, 2019
Our guest this week is Tom Clark, who joins us to talk about his new novella Good Boy. Then, we move over to the Three Minute Survival Tip, where we discuss the importance of reliable sources of...
Nov 8, 2019
This week, Jim talks a bit about the ChiZine Publications situation that's been a hot topic on social media this week, then dives into the TV show Revolution. The Three Minute Survival Tip follows, this time talking about Stray Cat Syndrome and what that could mean to...
Oct 18, 2019
This week, our guest is Millie Copper and she is talking to us about her new novel series, Havoc in Wyoming. Then, we turn to the Three Minute Survival Tip, this week discussing organizing your supplies...